

The chief of the London fire brigade Symonds.


The new chief of the fire brigade in London, brandmayor Symonds served for eleven years as a junior officer under the command of former boss, Captain Shaw.

Symonds was born in London. His father, Professor Symonds, was a director of the Royal Veterinary School, and now left this place.

The new chief has received the title of engineer in England, France and Germany. For several years he served in Ireland in their specialty, and January 25, 1881 he was appointed as a junior officer in the capital of the fire brigade of the 105 candidates.

In the next 11 years Symonds has drawn the attention with his work on many large fires in London and was in charge of team affairs for a long time.

Summer hollydays, he always spent traveling, which he loved very much.

On the announcement of the fire Committee that had a vacant fire brigade were sent to 41. From 9 persons the candidates have been invited to make a commission. The choice fell on her captain Campbell; but due to a request from the fire committee of the city council decision was revoked and Mr. Symonds got a place chief metropolitan fire brigade.

Without rejecting the merits of Captain Campbell, public opinion was on the side of Mr. Symonds; all considered the appointment of another person besides him on this important and responsible position by hard injustice regarding the person has earned the respect of a junior officer and sympathy throughout the fire brigade.

The press treated at least sympathetic to the new boss. Said, «Standard», can only congratulate the Council with a good choice and wish that Symonds has quickly earned the trust and gratitude of his fellow-citizens as his predecessor.

The appointment of Mr. Symonds was made in separate parts team with undisguised pleasure. From all sides and from the provinces, he received by Telegraph sympathetic congratulations.

From the first steps of its new activities in which he had entered from the beginning of November last year, the new chief has showed determination and energy, he has discovered and used on the fires.

London fires differ in both their number and the risk. In some cases the crowding of the houses, in others the rapidity with which the flame catches its prey, impede the activities of fire and demand that they stood at the head of the people, who have studied this difficult and accustomed to it.




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инженер пожарной безопасности
П.Ю. Князев

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